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Can sleep help you loose weight?

Can sleep help you loose weight?

Lack of sleep has to be paid for… in kilos! It is known, and medically proven: a study conducted in California established a direct link between sleep deficiency and being overweight. In fact, nights that are too short affect certain hormones, involved in the natural mechanisms of hunger and satiety. Thus, sleeping too little increases the secretion of ghrelin, a hormone produced during the day by the stomach and which opens the appetite, and at the same time reduces the production of leptin at night, which promotes satiety. Two factors with critical effects on the body since, taken together, they increase hunger by 24%! In addition, lack of sleep increases the secretion of cortisol, a stress hormone that will promote appetite and sweetness compulsions and abdominal storage. Finally, sleeping little decreases the secretion of growth hormone which, in adults, regulates fat mass.


Fatigue leads to temptation


Tired, we also tend to compensate for the lack of energy by nibbling to give ourselves a boost ... And we do not bite vegetables, but generally sugar and / or fat! The American study also reveals that those who do not get enough sleep are tempted by foods with the most calories, which affects the silhouette. A French study carried out for the Sleep Institute also shows that short sleepers, or those with a poor quality of sleep, consume less plants and fish than others but more fatty foods, and sugary products and alcohol, leading to poorer eating habits which may explain an increase in the risk of obesity. In addition, when we feel tired, we spontaneously tend to forget or postpone our sports activity sessions: so many factors that also make the needle of the scales go up ...

Less sleep, less chances to lose weight


All of these easily lead to weight gain, but they also increase the difficulty in losing weight. A Canadian study of 123 patients affected by obesity, showed that with a same diet, those who slept the most lost much more weight than those who slept less. Furthermore, sleep deficit is also proven to promote loss of muscle instead of excess fat. It is therefore essential to take care of your health: get enough sleep, eat lightly ("slow" sugars such as starchy foods in reasonable quantities and vegetables, plain dairy products) to be satiated but not suffer from difficult digestion which would disturb your sleep cycles. It is also important to set up a sleep ritual to relax and fall asleep easily and ... not to hang out in front of the screens for hours (they greatly disturb our nights) but to know how to go to bed as soon as your eyes itch. ! If everyone has different sleep needs, it is important to respect them and to sleep their quota.
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